Why Some People Will Never Get Ahead In Life
Over the years we have seen so many people struggle thinking that life is just so hard, so unfair and that whilst others can seemingly get ahead easily in life that they feel they are stuck missing out and will never get ahead. The mind game starts from within with the lie that is told from the internal chatter of the mind in the subconscious that puts them into the frequency of lack, the untrue feeling/thought of not being able to succeed or get ahead in life.
What the ego mind doesn’t realise is that the difference between getting ahead, or remaining where we are today (which is 100% your choice) is as simple as identifying what is holding us back and instead of remaining frozen with the identity placed upon yourself, the belief that you cannot change. What the mind needs to understand is that you need to start taking action on the ‘doing’ to create your change as it is the ‘doing’ that leads you forward.
The simple act of putting a budget together is overwhelming to many, yet if you wanted to achieve a savings goal of $100 per week, over $5,000 per year the process is as simple as ‘doing,’ yet so many people just don’t ‘do.’ They fumble they freeze and they panic. They choose to go off and do something fun, and then judge others that are succeeding whilst beating themselves up that they will never get ahead in life.
It’s easier to watch Netflix than set a personal goal.
It’s easier to watch the footy.
And it’s easier to watch others succeed whilst wondering why it is that you can never seem to get ahead.
It’s easy to give up on yourself and live under the label of negative self-worth, rather than identifying what changes need to take place and implementing the ‘doing.’
These people who choose to reside within victim mode who continue to bleed over others that are succeeding are toxic in their judgement not realising that the same tool of ‘doing,’ and success is available to them and that they too could get ahead in life if they so choose to and if they choose to take positive action.
All they need is the courage and bravery to take the first step…
Step 1 – Love, Courage & Bravery:
It takes courage to reflect upon your life on where you are today and for some it could be a proud reflection, whilst for others the harsh reality it could be a massive slap in the face.
The key is to be brave regardless of where you are at and recognise where you are right now is your new starting point.
Everything in your life up until this point has been created by YOU – the good, the bad, and the ugly, and when you can learn to recognise and confront your life choices with love, courage and bravery, everything changes.
Step 2 – Learning & Self-Education:
You don’t know what you don’t know. That’s true. Also is knowing that you know what you don’t know (read that again).
Thinking that we know something when we don’t provides us with a false truth, a false reality, and for some this false reality keeps creating itself by the way we perceive life. The more you think of something you don’t want (for example) you will often find coming into your life more and more as an experience via the law of attraction of what you don’t want.
When you take the step back into the ‘doing’ and begin learning again, and self-educating yourself, you will experience things in your life that you thought you knew, but you didn’t. Old patterns can drift away, new patterns can be imprinted upon you, your mindset can be opened and your life will change for the better. Whatsmore, you can begin to outline what you do want in your life and begin to attract the new into your reality.
It is from the ‘doing,’ the being brave and courageous, and learning to educate yourself that the letting go occurs and you begin an amazing transformation. Blame begins to cease and you step into the awareness that you are in the ‘doing’ that others ‘do,’ and realising that all those people who get ahead in life could also be you.
At this point you finally begin to believe in yourself.
You realise that the opportunities provided to ‘others’ who are in the ‘doing’ and getting ahead in their life, are the same opportunities that are available to you.
Your energy and point of attraction change for the better.
Step 3 – Taking Action & Doing:
Once you begin to learn again, your thirst for knowledge will grow and it is at this point where you can begin to create anything you want, if you so choose to. You can choose to unzip the victim suit and step into your own power – your ‘winning’ power from the work, from the ‘doing’ that you have implemented in your life.
You will notice that the people within your circle changes and that those that you used to think like will disappear from your life as your vibration changes along with your thought processes.
It is at this point that the victim suit comes off and the knowledge gets implemented to improve your life.
You start to have wins. Little wins at first, but then more, and more consistent, and bigger.
You begin to surprise yourself. Only a short time ago you saw others succeed and not you, but through your actions, choices, love, courage, and bravery you have developed a self-belief that you too are worthy of success within your life.
It is at this point that you realise you are now living your life, fully in the ‘doing.’
Step 4 – Being Consistent:
We have all heard the term falling off the wagon. Often referenced with someone that has had a relapse to addiction whether that be gambling, alcohol, drugs or others…
Falling off the wagon is often received by those experiencing it with a great level of humiliation and self-doubt. They think they have conquered where they were at, that they were in a better place (and they were), and now because of one tiny relapse that all the good work has been undone (it hasn’t).
There were 3 steps before the 4th step here. Those 3 steps are some of the damn hardest steps any person could ever take. To look at their life, to go within, to learn, to grow, to reflect upon the life they most want to live. No, you haven’t failed because of one tiny set back – you have learned, so long as you recognise this and that so long as you don’t lose the lesson.
You have learned that step 1, 2, and 3 are all possible only when you become consistent with your actions, and for anything worth doing (like creating a financial plan for a better financial future) is worth your investment in time, in education, in self-reflection to create a better life for yourself tomorrow.
The difference between you – stuck where you are, not being able to get ahead in life, and others that are buying their first home, travelling the world with their savings and living their best life is in the ‘doing.’
When you realise this, that you can ‘do’ too, you release that you can have the magical future you wish you had by doing the work that leads you closer to your goals today.
What ACTIONS are you choosing to take today that supports the future reality you wish to experience?